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Info Lowongan Kerja Pt Berdikari Tunas Finance April 2014

Corporate Performance Management Dept. Head

Job Description

Identify and analyze areas of potential risk to the assets, earning capacity, or success of organizations.
Identify key risks and mitigating factors of potential investments, such as asset types and values, legal and ownership structures, professional reputations, customer bases, or industry segments.
Conduct statistical analyses to quantify risk, using statistical analysis software and econometric models.
Devise systems and processes to monitor validity of risk modeling outputs.
Develop and implement risk-assessment models and methodologies.
Gather risk-related data from internal or external resources.
Plan, and contribute to development of, risk management systems.
Produce reports and presentations that outline findings, explain risk positions, and recommend changes.

Memiliki pengalaman di bidang risk analyst di perusahaan banking / multifinance min. 5 tahun.
Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yg kuat, komunikatif dan supel,serta managerial skill yg baik
Mampu untuk penerapan Lean metode yg berkisar dari KAIZEN sederhana atau Quick Change untuk proyek-proyek perbaikan yg berlangsung beberapa hari ataupun proyek besar yg meliputi beberapa bulan
Menguasai metodologi Six Sigma dan alat-alatnya ( DMAIC / DFSS)
Memiliki kemampuan analisis yg berpengaruh & mengerti metode statistik
Diutamakan yg menguasai MS Word, Excel dan Power Point dengan baik, khususnya yg menguasai kemampuan pengolahan data base dan bahasa pemrograman(SQL, VB, MS Access dll).

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